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Friday 21 October 2011

Day One

Well after along days travelling, Ldn Heathrow - Doha 6hrs Doha- Kathmandu (1300m) 4 hrs  we have finally made it to Nepal.  I do not think we have seen the best of Kathmandu on our first evening in Nepal. Hopefully we will see more of the old town when we return and stay for a full day at the end of the trip. The transfer from the airport to our Hotel (The Hotel Tibet) was strange to say the least, Total chaos. We were sharing the road with mad hooting drivers, Families of up to 4 on single motorbikes and cows!!! 
        We are getting up at 5am tomorrow morning to transfer back to the airport where we will be boarding a 17 seater plane for the flight to Lukla (Hillary Tenseng  Airport). The flight should take no more than 40 minutes. Once at Lukla (2800m) we will begin our trek. 

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