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Saturday 29 October 2011

day 8

Day 8
Today was an acclimatisation day. Not great day for me. I have started showing the symptoms of altitude sickness. I have
consulted with the trek Doc and have taken the appropriate measures, However I am a little worried about my ability to
carry on. Today we trekked up to 4700m for lunch then returned back to Denboche at 4350m for the night. Stu and Martin seem
fine so no worries there. Despite not feeling great I still enjoyed the great views that the Himalalas had to offer.I guess
I will just have to see how I feel in the morning. A night of cards in the Tea House awaits us again. Despite feeling under
the weather today I still managed to take the micky out of Simons (our trek leader) Chicken legs.
lets hope I have a better day tomorrow

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