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Saturday 29 October 2011

Day 6

Khumjung to Tengboche
we awoke early again to appreciate the sun rise in Khumjung. After a breakfast of porridge eggs we were lead in our warm up
by Jerry and Jimmie. We assembled in a circle in the village square and Jerry kicked off the warm up with the hokey kokey
followed with light stretching with Jimmie. The trekking today started with a downhill walk of about 400m to the valley
base where we had lunch of noodle soup and vegatable curry with a naan/yorkshire pudding thingy. From there we crossed the
bridge and started our 500m assent up the Nepalese flat (very steep) During the trek it has become a regular activity to
sneak off the main path for a jimmy riddle. This activity however is frought with danger as many people have taken this a
step further and dropped the occasional H.A.T into the bush. It was Ness's turn today to to come back from her visit with
her boot covered in a H.A.T. In the process of removing the said H.A.T from her boot Ness(now known as Skankness)
performed what is now known as the Shitflick Dance. The walk up to The monestry at Tengboche was a hard slog but with the
reward of further great views of Everest and its chums we were driven on. We are at around 3900m now and getting ready for
a long trek tomorrow to Dengboche 4450m. The three of us are in great shape and as yet unaffected by any altitude ailments.
Amongst the oh so many highlights of this trip I experienced the delights of Lemon Meringue Pie at 4000m :)
Revalie is at 5:45am on the morrow on order to arise in time for sun up.
  Evenings seem to be following a reglular pattern now. This consists of coffee or black tea and playing cards with the
sherpas(who cheat). Apart from cheating at cards the Sherpas have been brilliant and are great fun on the trek!!
Evening meal is generally served at about 7ish and after that we often play some more cards and retire to bed around
9 to 9:30.
It's 7:45 now and I am blogging away. This will more than likely be posted in a few days
The warm up tomorrow morning has been put into the hands of Jade and Tash !!  we await their routine
Night Night
Stu Mart and Me   xxx

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