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Monday 31 October 2011

Day 10

Everest Base Camp
Well for me this was a tough day, movement is slow at the best of times at 5000m. Having moved onto the Diamox (Altitude sickness tablet) the day prior the symptoms were still present, Headache and nausea. I still hadn't eaten for two days. We set off early for what was going to be a long hard day. Lobuche to Gorak Shep (Nepaleswe for dead raven) Nothing grows there. that took 2.5 hours and saw us rise from 4900m to 5150m.From Gorak where we were to stay that night we set off for Everest Base Camp.
A grueling 5 hour Trek. We made it!!  Pics to follow. Whilst trekking back to Gorak Shep we were treated to a couple of avalanches on the side of Nupse, one quite big!!  we got back to GS at around 4pm and I was cold and nauseas. I went straight to bed for 15hours disturbed sleep. Still no food!! when Stuart got to the room after dinner he informed me of the casuality episode that I missed at dinner. Aparently Dave, after all is exertions to date keeled over at dinner after a coughing fit and loss of breath. Doc Sarah and nurse Nancy sprung to action and all was well !! .Any back to sleep
Night Night

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