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Sunday 23 October 2011

Day 2

As promised by trek leader Simon the phone alarm went off at 5am !! 5:30 meet downstars in the lobby
then off back to Kathmandu Airport for our 8am flight to Lukla. What an amazing experince this was for the three of us.
With the plane full to capacity with only 11 of us and our Nepalese Sherpa Leader Gigme plus two pilots and one air hostess
 we set off for a 30 minute flight through the Nepalese mountains to the tiny slopeing airstrip of Lukla pearched on the
side of the mountain.
  Once landed we meet the rest of he sherpas and the yaks thatwould be assisting us on our trek.Wit5h everyone now
starting to get to know eachother we set off on our 14k trek to mongu. The trek took us down 500m following a river
gorge then back up to 2800m and the village of mongu. During the day we passed through some amazing scenary, I hope
 to post many of the pictures that i took as soon as possible.
neither of us seem to be suffering from any altitude related problems. Which is good as a couple of people have struggled
wih headaches and sickness today.
 Everyon in the group is quite tired after the trek and all the traveling we have done over the last two days and most have
gone to bed straight after dinner. Alarm at 6am in the morning off to Namche Bazzar
                                        Night Night    

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Hi Steve, it's Deborah manager of Chigwell Riding Trust. Great reading your blogs. I wish you the very best of luck and many thanks :-)