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Saturday 29 October 2011

Day 6

WELCOME TO THE HIMALAYAS !!! Thats for you Will Wicks
Another day and the sun is shining. Today started well with some H.A.T's being dropped off at the pool
(Prize to who gets the acronym first) The day really had a trekking feel to it as we left Namche 3450m  at 8am
and trekked up to the right hand side of the Namche Airfield 3730m which we had visited yesterday. Whilst we were there we
were lucky to not only see a small plane landing and taking off again, but also see 4 skydivers land on the runway.
After a small walk up of around 100m we turned a corner and were treated to some amazing views of the highest
mountain in the world Everest 8848, and its chums Lhotse 8516m and Nuptse 7864.
A further climb and we arrived at the Japanese owned Everest View Hotel where we stayed for around 30 minutes and drank
Masarla tea and soaked up the atmosphere. From here we trekked down to the villages of Khumjung 3790m and Kunde 3810m where
we will be staying the night.
To my disappointment in Khumjung I saw a small group of Nepalese children playing football (at nearly 4 Kilometres up this
is no mean feet) and two of them were wearing Arsenal Shirts. Scum is global!!
On the plus side I did see the skull (alleged) of a yeti in the monastery.
Khumjung is home to the Khumjung High School which is attended by around 300 pupils who travel from far and wide to attend.
The School was sponsored by the Hillary foundation.
On the downside Big Dave took a rather spectacular tumble on the route down to Khumjung. Luckily he is ok but he is covered
in shite.

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