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Monday 24 October 2011

Day 4 rest day well sort of

Day 4
Awoke in Namche at 6:30. got changed into trekking gear. I went for a short walk around the town and then met everyone Else for breakfast at 8am  porridge followed by eggs and potatoes with some black tea. Our rest/acclimatization day consisted of a trek up about 300m to the airstrip above Namche. Was told that this is the highest airstrip in the world!!  Jury's out still on that one. Yet again more amazing views, this is the norm now for us. From there we trekked through the trees in a path that would have eventually lead us to Tibet.  But as this was a rest day we looped back round after an hour and headed back to Namche for lunch. we would have had to trek for a further 11 days to reach Tibet. In the afternoon after the worst meal of the trek so far (they gave us a sandwich and chips) we went on a short walk up to the top of Namche to see a military museum. A trip not worth taking! The main reason for taking the walk was to see the great views of Everest. But the clouds came in and obscured the view :( On our return to Namche we went to Hermans Cake shop for coffee and cake. Stu had cheese cake Mart had Chocolate cake and I had a slice of apple pie.
This brings me to where i am now  1700hrs and blogging in the Hotel Namche drinking a glass of black tea bought for my by our treak leader Simon. We are with a great group of people who are all gelling really well. I think we a regarded as naughty schoolboys giggling at the back of the class. All good fun. We truly can not believe how wonderful this place is and how lucky we are to be on such an adventure, and its only day 4!!!!!
Tomorrow we are off to Khumjung which is at 3780m (about as high as the airstrip we saw today).
Sorry No photos at the moment. There is a problem attaching Photos to the Blog. We may have to wait until we return to Blighty to upload the pics. I have taken about 150 so far and Martin has been filming and taking pics.
After today we may not have access to WIFI for a while.  I will post all our daily activities as soon as I can access WIFI again.
Also apologies for grammar and spelling.
Night Night
Stuart Martin and me   :)

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