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Saturday 29 October 2011

day 7

Tengboche to denboche
After a cold disturbed night at Tenboche I awoke tired and not ready for the day at 5:45 am. Stuart and Martin seemed ok
though. The reason for the early rise was so that we could see the sunrise catch the surrounding mountains. from here some
of the group went to the monastry for the Morning prayers. Me and Stuart saw this as an oppotunity to go and use the girls
facilities, which were far superior to ours!!
The warm up was led by tash this morning. After a game of stuck in the mud and some mobil stretches we set off on the long
trek to Dengboche. The early part of the trek was dominated by some amazing view of Amadabla. The trek took us from Tenboche
at 3950m to Denboche at 4350m. We are now trekking higher than at any point on the Inca trail!! The Mornings are colder for
 longer now and the evenings are getting colder earlier.
This evening we are being entertained by the locals outside our tea house singing and dancing celebrating the Hindu festival
We will be staying at this Tea House for two nights as part of our acclimatisation. We only wish are accomadation was better.
The girls in Tenko had it better and they were in a warm climate.The lads seem to have got the shitty end of the stick with
Martin, Dave, Jimmie, Jerry, Stu and myself all being shoved in the annex to another Tea House. Nevermind we will solider on!!
Tomorrow we will be trekking up to around 4700m as part of our acclimatisation preperation. We are now very high!!! 
Night night 

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