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Monday 31 October 2011

Day 11

Top of the world to Pheriche 4200m
After 15 hours in the sack up I rose with Stuart to finda Dave well and that Martin had gone on the early trek to the nearby peak of Kala Pattar.
Martin says:at 5.00am with stu and jonners still in bed I set-off wih a group of 10 hardy souls determined to conquer kala pattar. in bitterly cold early morning conditions we made our way very gradually - climbing from 5150m to 5550m is very difficult as the air is so thin - more a test of lung capacity than physical strength. The effort was well worth it though with stunning views of the surrounding mountains. 
Me and Stu set off to Pheriche at about 8:30 with Martin following about an hour behind after his early assent. With everyone now feeling quite tired by now it was a fairly sober plod down to Pheriche via lobuche. Anyway way we arrived all in one piece at the best Tea House to date. We have all had a warm shower and I have eaten for the first time in what must be 3/4 days.
More down hill tomorrow
Stu Mart and me  :) happy

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