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Monday 31 October 2011


Just got days 10 and 11 - sound rough. Glad you're on the way back
down!! Looking foward to the pics.
Love M & D

Day 10

Everest Base Camp
Well for me this was a tough day, movement is slow at the best of times at 5000m. Having moved onto the Diamox (Altitude sickness tablet) the day prior the symptoms were still present, Headache and nausea. I still hadn't eaten for two days. We set off early for what was going to be a long hard day. Lobuche to Gorak Shep (Nepaleswe for dead raven) Nothing grows there. that took 2.5 hours and saw us rise from 4900m to 5150m.From Gorak where we were to stay that night we set off for Everest Base Camp.
A grueling 5 hour Trek. We made it!!  Pics to follow. Whilst trekking back to Gorak Shep we were treated to a couple of avalanches on the side of Nupse, one quite big!!  we got back to GS at around 4pm and I was cold and nauseas. I went straight to bed for 15hours disturbed sleep. Still no food!! when Stuart got to the room after dinner he informed me of the casuality episode that I missed at dinner. Aparently Dave, after all is exertions to date keeled over at dinner after a coughing fit and loss of breath. Doc Sarah and nurse Nancy sprung to action and all was well !! .Any back to sleep
Night Night

Day 11

Top of the world to Pheriche 4200m
After 15 hours in the sack up I rose with Stuart to finda Dave well and that Martin had gone on the early trek to the nearby peak of Kala Pattar.
Martin says:at 5.00am with stu and jonners still in bed I set-off wih a group of 10 hardy souls determined to conquer kala pattar. in bitterly cold early morning conditions we made our way very gradually - climbing from 5150m to 5550m is very difficult as the air is so thin - more a test of lung capacity than physical strength. The effort was well worth it though with stunning views of the surrounding mountains. 
Me and Stu set off to Pheriche at about 8:30 with Martin following about an hour behind after his early assent. With everyone now feeling quite tired by now it was a fairly sober plod down to Pheriche via lobuche. Anyway way we arrived all in one piece at the best Tea House to date. We have all had a warm shower and I have eaten for the first time in what must be 3/4 days.
More down hill tomorrow
Stu Mart and me  :) happy

Saturday 29 October 2011


just another little pick me up!!!!

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "merckate121@aol.com" <merckate121@aol.com>
To: Ranworthkaran@aol.com; tina_mac@hotmail.com; trinacoventry@hotmail.co.uk; cherylandroyclark@gmail.com; nannybag@btinternet.com; LSapsford@aol.com; thesharonclark@btinternet.com; m.cole@phoenixhospital.co.uk; mjt1960@hotmail.co.uk; john.lieberman1@btopenworld.com; vin.rouge@live.co.uk; fernewicks@btinternet.com
Sent: Friday, 25 February, 2011 21:53:16

-----Original Message-----
From: ruth.juniperking <ruth.juniperking@bt.com>
To: lucy.2.banks <lucy.2.banks@openreach.co.uk>; merckate121 <merckate121@aol.com>; steve.crisp <steve.crisp@openreach.co.uk>; alex.sanderson <alex.sanderson@bt.com>
Sent: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 12:24








      It turns you brown!



Fw: Fwd: Essex Hurricane Appeal

something to make you think of home

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "merckate121@aol.com" <merckate121@aol.com>
To: Ranworthkaran@aol.com; tina_mac@hotmail.com; ruth.juniper@bt.com; cherylandroyclark@gmail.com; charlie@lakesidepm.com; thesharonclark@btinternet.com; LSapsford@aol.com; m.alexander@talktalk.net; keely@lakesidepm.com; vin.rouge@live.co.uk; fernewicks@btinternet.com
Sent: Tuesday, 25 October, 2011 21:41:51
Subject: Fwd: Essex Hurricane Appeal

-----Original Me


Essex Hurricane Appeal

A major hurricane (Hurricane Shazza) and earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter Scale hit Essex in the early hours of Tuesday with its epicentre in Basildon .  Victims were seen wandering around aimlessly, muttering "Faaackinell".

The hurricane decimated the area causing almost £30 worth of damage. Several priceless collections of mementos from Majorca and the Costa Del Sol were damaged beyond repair.  Three areas of historic burnt out cars were disturbed.  Many locals were woken well before their Giros arrived.

Essex FM reported that hundreds of residents were confused and bewildered and were still trying to come to terms with the fact that something interesting had happened in Basildon.  One resident - Tracy Sharon Smith, a 15-year-old mother of 5 said, "It was such a shock, my little Chardonnay-Mercedes came running into my bedroom crying. My youngest two, Tyler-Morgan and Victoria-Storm slept through it all. I was still shaking when I was skinning up and watching Jeremy Kyle the next morning."  

Apparently looting, muggings and car crime were unaffected and carried on as normal.

The British Red Cross has so far managed to ship 4,000 crates of Special Brew to the area to help the stricken locals. Rescue workers are still searching through the rubble and have found large quantities of personal belongings, including benefit books, jewellery from Ratners and Bone China from the Pound shop.


This appeal is to raise money for food and clothing parcels for those unfortunate enough to be caught up in this disaster. Clothing is most sought after - items most needed include:
    Fila or Burberry baseball caps
    Kappa tracksuit tops (his and hers)
    Shell suits (female)
    White stilettos
    White sport socks
    Rockport boots
    Any other items usually sold in Primark.

Food parcels may be harder to come by but are needed all the same. Required foodstuffs include:
    Microwave meals
    Tins of baked beans
    Ice cream
    Cans of Special Brew.

22p buys a biro for filling in the compensation forms
£2 buys chips, crisps and blue fizzy drinks for a family of nine
£5 buys fags and a lighter to calm the nerves of those affected.


Rescue workers found a girl in the rubble smothered in raspberry alco-pop and were worried she had been badly cut...
"Where are you bleeding from?" they asked,
"Romford" said the girl, "woss that gotta do wiv you?"

Please don't forward this to anyone living in Essex - oh, sod it, they won't be able to read it, anyway.



We have had about three blogs thru in one go, so before we could start
getting worried that you weren't feeling well we could see on day 9 that
you were feeling better!! Hope this continues - tell the boys that
Arsenal just beat Chelsea 5-3. Dad says tonight is cancelled!!!
Love M & D

day 9

Denbosche 4350m-lobuche 4900m
| started the day feeling much better than last night. after managing to put away some porridge and 2 hard boiled eggs we
performed the usual warm up routeen and then set on our way to Lobuche. Headache tablets and diamox on board the going for
 the first hour was tough, climbing directly up from Denbosch about 150m. Steps are small and slow at 4500m. Once over the
ridge above Denbosche the walk leveled out and we folloewd the valley for about 2hours till we arrived at Dugle 4620m for
lunch. Lunch consisted of Noodle soup followed by fried rice. Stu and Martin managed to eat theirs while I still not feeling
great only managed a small amount. Skankness excelled herself again by dropping her sunglasses down the toilet
(a hole in the floor)
The after lunch the trek took us immediately up around 200m, again slow hard progress. Once over the ridge we came across the
churum which is a memorial for climbers and sherpas that have died in the mountains. From here on the going was fairly easy
(or as easy as trekking can be at 5 kilometres up) We were pleased to find a nice warm Tea House waiting for us.
  It's 4.35 now. Dinner is at 6:30 tonight and we will by having an early night as it is an early start in the morning for
our trek to Everest Base Camp. 
Everest Base Camp tomorrow  :)
Im well now too Johnsons xx

day 8

Day 8
Today was an acclimatisation day. Not great day for me. I have started showing the symptoms of altitude sickness. I have
consulted with the trek Doc and have taken the appropriate measures, However I am a little worried about my ability to
carry on. Today we trekked up to 4700m for lunch then returned back to Denboche at 4350m for the night. Stu and Martin seem
fine so no worries there. Despite not feeling great I still enjoyed the great views that the Himalalas had to offer.I guess
I will just have to see how I feel in the morning. A night of cards in the Tea House awaits us again. Despite feeling under
the weather today I still managed to take the micky out of Simons (our trek leader) Chicken legs.
lets hope I have a better day tomorrow

day 7

Tengboche to denboche
After a cold disturbed night at Tenboche I awoke tired and not ready for the day at 5:45 am. Stuart and Martin seemed ok
though. The reason for the early rise was so that we could see the sunrise catch the surrounding mountains. from here some
of the group went to the monastry for the Morning prayers. Me and Stuart saw this as an oppotunity to go and use the girls
facilities, which were far superior to ours!!
The warm up was led by tash this morning. After a game of stuck in the mud and some mobil stretches we set off on the long
trek to Dengboche. The early part of the trek was dominated by some amazing view of Amadabla. The trek took us from Tenboche
at 3950m to Denboche at 4350m. We are now trekking higher than at any point on the Inca trail!! The Mornings are colder for
 longer now and the evenings are getting colder earlier.
This evening we are being entertained by the locals outside our tea house singing and dancing celebrating the Hindu festival
We will be staying at this Tea House for two nights as part of our acclimatisation. We only wish are accomadation was better.
The girls in Tenko had it better and they were in a warm climate.The lads seem to have got the shitty end of the stick with
Martin, Dave, Jimmie, Jerry, Stu and myself all being shoved in the annex to another Tea House. Nevermind we will solider on!!
Tomorrow we will be trekking up to around 4700m as part of our acclimatisation preperation. We are now very high!!! 
Night night 

Day 6

Khumjung to Tengboche
we awoke early again to appreciate the sun rise in Khumjung. After a breakfast of porridge eggs we were lead in our warm up
by Jerry and Jimmie. We assembled in a circle in the village square and Jerry kicked off the warm up with the hokey kokey
followed with light stretching with Jimmie. The trekking today started with a downhill walk of about 400m to the valley
base where we had lunch of noodle soup and vegatable curry with a naan/yorkshire pudding thingy. From there we crossed the
bridge and started our 500m assent up the Nepalese flat (very steep) During the trek it has become a regular activity to
sneak off the main path for a jimmy riddle. This activity however is frought with danger as many people have taken this a
step further and dropped the occasional H.A.T into the bush. It was Ness's turn today to to come back from her visit with
her boot covered in a H.A.T. In the process of removing the said H.A.T from her boot Ness(now known as Skankness)
performed what is now known as the Shitflick Dance. The walk up to The monestry at Tengboche was a hard slog but with the
reward of further great views of Everest and its chums we were driven on. We are at around 3900m now and getting ready for
a long trek tomorrow to Dengboche 4450m. The three of us are in great shape and as yet unaffected by any altitude ailments.
Amongst the oh so many highlights of this trip I experienced the delights of Lemon Meringue Pie at 4000m :)
Revalie is at 5:45am on the morrow on order to arise in time for sun up.
  Evenings seem to be following a reglular pattern now. This consists of coffee or black tea and playing cards with the
sherpas(who cheat). Apart from cheating at cards the Sherpas have been brilliant and are great fun on the trek!!
Evening meal is generally served at about 7ish and after that we often play some more cards and retire to bed around
9 to 9:30.
It's 7:45 now and I am blogging away. This will more than likely be posted in a few days
The warm up tomorrow morning has been put into the hands of Jade and Tash !!  we await their routine
Night Night
Stu Mart and Me   xxx

Day 6

WELCOME TO THE HIMALAYAS !!! Thats for you Will Wicks
Another day and the sun is shining. Today started well with some H.A.T's being dropped off at the pool
(Prize to who gets the acronym first) The day really had a trekking feel to it as we left Namche 3450m  at 8am
and trekked up to the right hand side of the Namche Airfield 3730m which we had visited yesterday. Whilst we were there we
were lucky to not only see a small plane landing and taking off again, but also see 4 skydivers land on the runway.
After a small walk up of around 100m we turned a corner and were treated to some amazing views of the highest
mountain in the world Everest 8848, and its chums Lhotse 8516m and Nuptse 7864.
A further climb and we arrived at the Japanese owned Everest View Hotel where we stayed for around 30 minutes and drank
Masarla tea and soaked up the atmosphere. From here we trekked down to the villages of Khumjung 3790m and Kunde 3810m where
we will be staying the night.
To my disappointment in Khumjung I saw a small group of Nepalese children playing football (at nearly 4 Kilometres up this
is no mean feet) and two of them were wearing Arsenal Shirts. Scum is global!!
On the plus side I did see the skull (alleged) of a yeti in the monastery.
Khumjung is home to the Khumjung High School which is attended by around 300 pupils who travel from far and wide to attend.
The School was sponsored by the Hillary foundation.
On the downside Big Dave took a rather spectacular tumble on the route down to Khumjung. Luckily he is ok but he is covered
in shite.


You have been quiet for a couple of days and we are assuming that you
are out of wi fi contact. Hope all is well, getting tough now I guess -
no lemon meringue pie!!! Base camp tomorow!
Love Mum and Dad

Wednesday 26 October 2011


I see on the itinerary that you're climbing 7 metres today

Day 6 25th Khumjung 3860m
Day 7 26th Tengboche 3867m

Congratulations....Keep up the good work.

This information was prepared by Morgan Stanley (MS) sales and trading personnel for institutional investors.  It is NOT: a research report; independent or impartial; a personal recommendation or investment advice (or a basis for considering MS to be a fiduciary or municipal or other type of advisor); tax, legal or accounting advice; a solicitation or offer to buy/sell any financial instrument; or an official confirm. The views of the author may differ from those of others at MS (including Research). MS may engage in conflicting activities, including principal trading before or after sending these views, market making, lending and the provision of investment banking or other services related to instruments/issuers mentioned. Information/opinions are: based upon sources believed to be reliable (but no representation of accuracy or completeness is made); likely to change without notice; for information purposes only; and considered proprietary. Any price levels are indicative only and not intended for use by third parties.  MS disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Subject to additional terms at morganstanley.com/disclaimers; by messaging with MS you consent to the foregoing.

In case you have trouble sleeping Steve!

"The euro crisis is easily solved with a powerful lender of last resort.Germany
we have learned is not prepared to be this lender. Jurgen Stark, resigned from
the Executive Board of the ECB due to the controversial bond-buying
programme...blah...blah..blah.....The ECB has to be given/or take on this role of lender of last
resort and if Germany can't accede to this, then they will have to be the one
to be first to leave the single currency!?...   best gibbo."


Still reading the blogs with great interest. We are following the route
on your old school atlas!! It's way out of date but the bit you're in
doesn't seem to have changed hands much.
Take care all of you. Mum and Dad.xx

Tuesday 25 October 2011

everest dream team

Hi, glad all is going well.
Wills joke of the day:
Will:  knock knock
Martin: whos there?
Will: police
Martin: police who?
Will: police stop telling these awful knock knock jokes!!
good luck for Tengboche!  catch up with you tomorrow
lots of love from Sarah, Ellice, Honor, Will, Lilly and Belle :)
xxxx meou meou 

Day 5 Namche 3450m to Khunjung 3790m

WELCOME TO THE HIMALAYAS !!! Thats for you Will Wicks
Another day and the sun is shining. Today started well with some H.A.T's being dropped off at the pool
(Prize to who gets the acronym first) The day really had a trekking feel to it as we left Namche 3450m  at 8am
and trekked up to the right hand side of the Namche Airfield 3730m which we had visited yesterday. Whilst we were there we
were lucky to not only see a small plane landing and taking off again, but also see 4 skydivers land on the runway.
After a small walk up of around 100m we turned a corner and were treated to some amazing views of the highest
mountain in the world Everest 8848, and its chums Lhotse 8516m and Nuptse 7864.
A further climb and we arrived at the Japanese owned Everest View Hotel where we stayed for around 30 minutes and drank
Masarla tea and soaked up the atmosphere. From here we trekked down to the villages of Khumjung 3790m and Kunde 3810m where we will be staying the night.  
To my dissapointment in Khumjung I saw a small group of Nepalese children playing football (at nearly 4 Kilometers up this
is no mean feet) and two of them were wearing Arsenal Shirts. Scum is global!!
On the plus side I did see the skull (alleged) of a yeti in the monestary.
Khumjung is home to the Khumjung High School which is atteneded by around 300 pupils who travel from far and wide to attend.
The School was sponsored by the Hillary foundation.
On the downside Big Dave took a rather spectacular tumble on the route down to Khumjung. Luckilly he is ok but he is covered
in shite.
It's 5:15 now in Nepal and the three of us are drinking coffee in a Tea Hut (should be a coffee hut)  Dinner will served at 7pm and we are all hoping for some more traditional fare as their attempts at western cuisine has been rather average (pancakes with jam carrots and chips for lunch!)
Signing off for possibly a colder night in the clouds at Khumjung
Mart Stu and Me  xx

Monday 24 October 2011

back from Potters

Hi Steve,
great to catch up with the blog. Sounds fantastic, can't wait to see
photos. Dad, Adam CJ and I had a great time at Potters. Take care. Love
to Stu and Martin.
Mum and Dad

Day 4 rest day well sort of

Day 4
Awoke in Namche at 6:30. got changed into trekking gear. I went for a short walk around the town and then met everyone Else for breakfast at 8am  porridge followed by eggs and potatoes with some black tea. Our rest/acclimatization day consisted of a trek up about 300m to the airstrip above Namche. Was told that this is the highest airstrip in the world!!  Jury's out still on that one. Yet again more amazing views, this is the norm now for us. From there we trekked through the trees in a path that would have eventually lead us to Tibet.  But as this was a rest day we looped back round after an hour and headed back to Namche for lunch. we would have had to trek for a further 11 days to reach Tibet. In the afternoon after the worst meal of the trek so far (they gave us a sandwich and chips) we went on a short walk up to the top of Namche to see a military museum. A trip not worth taking! The main reason for taking the walk was to see the great views of Everest. But the clouds came in and obscured the view :( On our return to Namche we went to Hermans Cake shop for coffee and cake. Stu had cheese cake Mart had Chocolate cake and I had a slice of apple pie.
This brings me to where i am now  1700hrs and blogging in the Hotel Namche drinking a glass of black tea bought for my by our treak leader Simon. We are with a great group of people who are all gelling really well. I think we a regarded as naughty schoolboys giggling at the back of the class. All good fun. We truly can not believe how wonderful this place is and how lucky we are to be on such an adventure, and its only day 4!!!!!
Tomorrow we are off to Khumjung which is at 3780m (about as high as the airstrip we saw today).
Sorry No photos at the moment. There is a problem attaching Photos to the Blog. We may have to wait until we return to Blighty to upload the pics. I have taken about 150 so far and Martin has been filming and taking pics.
After today we may not have access to WIFI for a while.  I will post all our daily activities as soon as I can access WIFI again.
Also apologies for grammar and spelling.
Night Night
Stuart Martin and me   :)

Me thinks you should be running Steve ...


Adam is after you Steve!




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Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Day 3

Munjo 2800 to Namche 3450m
we arose at 6am for breakfast of porridge and scrambled eggs. After a small warm up routine we set off around 7:30.
After a short walk we entered the Sagarmatha National Park. once in the Park we made our way down to the base of gorge
where the River Dubh Koshi runs.From here we trekked along the valley until we reached the point where the Koshi meets
the River Bhote Koshi, passing over the river on three scary bridges in the process. once ofer the third bridge we made
our way up towards Namche.Once again the views during the trek to Namche have been stunning. We also had our first view
of Everest today albeit a tiny peak. We arrived in Namche for a traditional Nepalese lunch of vegatable curry rice and dahl. After lunch we
went off to the Irish pub to watch the  Final. At 4 o'clock we took a short walk up to the top of Namche to visit the
Monestary where recieved a blessing from the Monk which on on on.....but at least now we should have a safe adventure!!
Tomorrow is an acclimatisation day in Namche where we will stay for a further night.
Sorry I didnt understand how to post until now :)
I'm missing you lots and am feeling very jealous of your adventure
I'm reading the blog each day to keep updated
Love you Daddy


Dad, you jealous?;)
...from adam;)
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone


Lemon meringue;)
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Day 2

As promised by trek leader Simon the phone alarm went off at 5am !! 5:30 meet downstars in the lobby
then off back to Kathmandu Airport for our 8am flight to Lukla. What an amazing experince this was for the three of us.
With the plane full to capacity with only 11 of us and our Nepalese Sherpa Leader Gigme plus two pilots and one air hostess
 we set off for a 30 minute flight through the Nepalese mountains to the tiny slopeing airstrip of Lukla pearched on the
side of the mountain.
  Once landed we meet the rest of he sherpas and the yaks thatwould be assisting us on our trek.Wit5h everyone now
starting to get to know eachother we set off on our 14k trek to mongu. The trek took us down 500m following a river
gorge then back up to 2800m and the village of mongu. During the day we passed through some amazing scenary, I hope
 to post many of the pictures that i took as soon as possible.
neither of us seem to be suffering from any altitude related problems. Which is good as a couple of people have struggled
wih headaches and sickness today.
 Everyon in the group is quite tired after the trek and all the traveling we have done over the last two days and most have
gone to bed straight after dinner. Alarm at 6am in the morning off to Namche Bazzar
                                        Night Night    

Saturday 22 October 2011

This is adam:) nan, garry, charlie and I send all the best wishes:) glad to hear your in Lukla, be thinking of you! Xx
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Friday 21 October 2011

Day One

Well after along days travelling, Ldn Heathrow - Doha 6hrs Doha- Kathmandu (1300m) 4 hrs  we have finally made it to Nepal.  I do not think we have seen the best of Kathmandu on our first evening in Nepal. Hopefully we will see more of the old town when we return and stay for a full day at the end of the trip. The transfer from the airport to our Hotel (The Hotel Tibet) was strange to say the least, Total chaos. We were sharing the road with mad hooting drivers, Families of up to 4 on single motorbikes and cows!!! 
        We are getting up at 5am tomorrow morning to transfer back to the airport where we will be boarding a 17 seater plane for the flight to Lukla (Hillary Tenseng  Airport). The flight should take no more than 40 minutes. Once at Lukla (2800m) we will begin our trek. 

Thursday 20 October 2011

For the Everest Dream Team

Hey, coffee looks good! Will wants 2 do a joke of the day for u :)
Will: Doctor, I get this stabbing pain in my eye every time I have a cup of coffee
Doctor: Try taking the spoon out
Have a great flight, we will check on you tomorrow, hope you get some sleep!
Love Sarah, Ellice, Honor and Will xx


I got my way


Boarding pass for the Qatar flight to Doha.


I said bar they said coffee :(


At terminal 4

Monday 17 October 2011

for Compo, Foggy & Clegg to sing en route!

Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream.

Sunday 16 October 2011


Hope you have an amazing time:) please take lots and lots of pictures:) good luck, and say hello to the yeti for me:D Adam

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Saturday 15 October 2011

Wishing you all God's speed

Hi Steven, I know that St. Jude is the Saint who makes anything possible. So a word to him each morning and I am sure you will make a wonderful journey. I shall be following the blog with great excitement and interest

Kindest regards

Maria (Stuart's Ma in Law)

Thursday 13 October 2011

Washing lines

Dont you think there should be some kind of planning reg's on washing lines in areas of outstanding natural beauty !


Dog Walk

Walk the dog up bigger hills than that !!


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Bon courage and the best of luck to you all!

Hi, I’m Stuart’s sister in law, just wanted to wish you all the best and say what a fantastic challenge you’ve set yourselves.  You’ll no doubt be changed for life by the experience – good on you all!

Best wishes, Lisa Crossley, France


Friday 7 October 2011

Email Direct to Blog

If anyone wants to email messages direct to the blog they can do this by sending messages to steven.johnson.sedaac@blogger.com these messages will appear as posts on the blog rather than comments. Of course you can still comment on posts and pictures if you like.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Where we should be

Day 1 20th Oct Departure Heathrow - Doha - Kathmandu
Day 2 21st Kathmandu 1300m
Day 3 22nd Lukla & Monjo 2850m
Day 4 23rd Namche 3449m
Day 5 24th Namche
Day 6 25th Khumjung 3860m
Day 7 26th Tengboche 3867m
Day 8 27th Dingboche 4343m
Day 9 28th Dingboche
Day 10 29th Lobuche 4930m
Day 11 30th Everest Base Camp 5332m
Day 12 31st Kalla Pattar
Day 13 1st Nov Descend to Tengboche
Day 14 2nd Descend to Namche
Day 15 3rd Descend to Lukla
Day 16 4th Fly to Kathmandu
Day 17 5th Day in Kathmandu
Day 18 6th Fly home

The Route

Monday 3 October 2011

Best wishes from your Sponsors Martin

Good Luck Martin from the guys at North Face

Everest Base Camp trek 20th Oct-6th Nov 2011

Hi Everyone,
On 20th October 2011 Stuart Wicks, Martin Wray and myself (Steve Johnson) are off to Nepal to trek through the Himalayas to reach Everest Base Camp at 5362m. Over the 13 days trekking (9 up 4 down) we will be covering around 120km and taking in some breathtaking scenery. As and when we can get WI-FI along the way we will be posting all our thoughts, comments and pictures on this blog. Your thoughts, Best wishes and comments will be most appreciated along the route.

Jonners (Steve)

Our Logo !!