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Sunday 6 November 2011

Stuck in the clouds

Apologies for the lack of blogging.
We continued our trek descending towards Lukla. Staying at Namche for one night then moving on towards Lukla the following
 morning. As we trekked down it became increasingly obvious that the flights to and from Lukla had ceased due to bad
weather. All accommodation in Lukla was now taken, so Gigme arranged for us to stay in a Tea House about 1 hour outside Lukla.
And here we have stayed ever since!! 
Today is Saturday 6th Novemeber, the day we were due to fly home. Our Qatar Airways flights have been rescheduled for next
Friday and Saturday now so we sit and wait.
The clouds are still upon us and we are Flight numbers 36/37 when they start flying again. Tara Airways only have 3 planes!!
However once the weather clears the planes fly and fly to clear the backlog. Our Sherpa Gigme has suggested that it would take
at least a couple of days to clear that amount of flights. Also there is the Helecopter option which we are looking into.
Our days consist of getting up, having breakfast then all moving into the tea house with heating (yes our accommodation has
 no heating) where we are given updates on whats happening. After we are told we are still in the clouds we then get our back
 packs and head off to Lukla where we there is a collection of bars, shops and cafes. We have found a bar that shows the
premier league football and has a pool table. Despite the News reports on the BBC we are not running out of food. Our main
 problem is that we have run out of clean clothes and the shower facilities consist of a bucket of water over a drain next to
a toilet that occasionally flushes. Needless to say I have not washed for about 5 days. My teeth are clean though!!!
Me and Martin have just walked up to Lukla in the clouds and are having a coffee. Stuart has gone with a small group up to
the monastry in the hills near our tea house.  
Stu Mart Me        smelly damp and in need of a bit of luxury

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